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Membership to Society for Scientific Research [SSR] is open for Indian Scientists.

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Membership type: Annual/Life. Annual Fee of Ordinary member- Rs 500 and Life member- Rs 5000.

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A member of SSR can publish his/her research article in any of the ScholarJournals with a reduced publication charge. The details are given in respective journals.

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Society for Scientific Research
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“SILAE”, the Italo-Latin American Ethnomedicine Society, Italy

Membership to SILAE is open for All Scientists worldwide.

The fundamental objective of SILAE is to promote the research, development and use of medicinal and food plants in different countries of the Word. SILAE welcomes and actively seeks opportunities to work cooperatively, activating and intensifying scientific relations between Countries and between SILAE Members.

SILAE proposes to establish contacts with Scientific Communities, Universities, Research Centres for the pursuit of medicinal and food plants knowledge. Science is international. SILAE aims to be a truly international scientific organization by providing access to the scientific literature to anyone, anywhere by publishing works, through our SILAE Special Issues, from every nation; and by engaging a geographically diverse group of scientists in technical-scientific relationships.

Moreover SILAE_live, the one-to-one live chat on our website, is the first scientific chat on the web and is a developed tool to engage the interest and imagination of the public and helping non-scientists to understand and enjoy scientific discoveries and the scientific process.

A member of SILAE can publish his/her research article in any of the ScholarJournals with a reduced publication charge. The details are given in respective journals.

Become a member! Information about SILAE membership is available at


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