At Scholar Journals, there is a union of various Scientists who are internationally famous and experts in their respective research fields. Through this co-operation, we publish open access journals in many fields of research.
The mission of Scholar Journals is to become a helping hand to Research Scholars, Students, Teachers, Professors, Doctors and Professionals to publish their research results in Open Access Journals, which have high visibility and exposure through targeted readers. Of course, when students first encounter the need to prepare the results of their own research for publication in a scientific journal, they may need advice and additional help from
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Through Scholar Journals, we assure a rigid peer review and a transparent editorial process. Scholar Journals is engaging “In-house copyediting”. Scholar Journals offer linguistic support to authors. At Scholar Journals, there is provision for Permanent archiving through the LOCKSS project of Stanford University Team.
Authors keep full copyright to their work through Creative Commons licenses. Overall, We encourage authors to become a part of an internationally experienced publishing team.